Our son, father, brother, husband Chris Kyle went missing last week
while jogging in Griffith Park. His beard was his pride, and we all fear
the worst for it. We don't care about him, but we care about his beard.
In our culture, the beard is a symbol of wealth and sexual prowess,
and Chris has spent more than 15 years growing a beard that's over
three feet long. Three. Feet. Long. That's more than the average length
of a fully grown Manta Ray. That's one third the height of Larry Bird.
Thursday, January 8th, 2013. 3:35 PM
Sunday, January 11th, 2013. 11:00 AM
The police are chasing a lead that sounds promising, but us Kyle's are never the kind to get our hopes up. I guess another clearing full of wiry black hair was found in another part of Griffith Park. Praying for good news.
Sunday, January 18th, 2013. 10:00 PM
Some of the hair found at the crime scene was traced back to a commune in rural Ohio. Some place without electricity or running water. Who could live such a dull life? The hair came from a man that was raised in Ohio but hasn't been seen since he stopped tending his field of cotton five years ago.
Wednesday, January 21st, 2013. 9:30 AM
This is the spot that the authorities traced Chris' final 911 call to. It's kind of desolate but really only a hundred feet or so from a trail. How could no one see something so heinous happening?
Friday, January 23rd, 2013. 8:30 PM